#102 💎 Ruby 3.4.0 Preview, AI/ML Deep Dive, Optimizing Passenger + Nginx, and More...

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #102 of our newsletter with news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1.🔒Need to find security issues in your dependencies? Check out our security risks resources page

2. 🤖 When we are not working on technical debt remediation projects, our team has invested time in ​ AI/ML​ projects for some clients. Amanda recently published a deep-dive into Prompt Engineering Techniques (Part 1)

3. 📖 In one of our recent Tune Report performance optimization engagements, Francois and Rishi found this resource insightful: Minimizing process spawning in your Passenger server 🚀

📚 Frustrated with blog posts, FAQs, and ChatGPT responses that don't address your concerns?

Schedule a 45-minute call with our CTO. 🚀

Whether you want to geek out, talk shop, technical debt, legacy code, or Ruby/Rails upgrades, Ernesto has some availability to answer these questions.

Schedule a call here! ☎️

4. 📚 This post explains steps you could take to optimize the performance of your server if you make use of Passenger and Nginx: Optimizing Passenger + Nginx - Passenger Library

5. 💎 Ruby 3.4 enables frozen_string_literal by default – you can test the Ruby 3.4 preview release today! There isn’t a huge performance improvement, but some benchmarks show it could be 1% more performant.

6. 💎 → Oh yeah, did we mention that Ruby 3.4.0.preview1 has been released? Here are a couple of notable changes:

Bookmark them, share them, or save them. We hope you found these links helpful 😉

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The ​FastRuby.io​ Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.