How to Fix the 'Failed to build gem native extension' error

The other day, I was setting up a client project when I came across this dreaded error when running bundle install:

Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. 

Have you ever gotten this error and spent hours of your day trying to install the missing gems? In this article, learn why this error occurs and how to solve it for good.

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How to Use bundler-audit to Keep Your App's Dependencies secure

These days, maintaining a secure codebase is crucial. Vulnerabilities in your application’s dependencies can pose significant risks to the security of your application. This is where tools like bundler-audit come into play. bundler-audit is a gem that helps you identify and manage security vulnerabilities in your Rails application’s external dependencies. In this article, we will explore how to use bundler-audit to keep your Rails codebase secure.

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How to Create a Custom Gemfile for Development

While working with a client, we noticed that they had two Gemfiles: one with gems specifically for development and local references to a gem, and the other with a reference to a resource on GitHub. They wanted to switch between the local installation of the gem and the external GitHub reference based on whether they were in development or production. This approach worked well for their needs; however, our team was concerned that one downside was the difficulty in maintaining two separate Gemfiles. In this article, we will discuss an approach to creating conditional Gemfiles for development.

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From Code to Compliance: Accessibility Testing in Rails Applications

In a previous blog post, How Do You Know When Your App is Not Compliant?, I briefly discussed the importance of the accessibility standards of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG, to ensure that everyone, including those with disabilities, can use web applications effectively. In this blog, we are going to further explore the importance of maintaining accessibility compliance, what it means to users, as well as how to use the axe-core-gems for automated accessibility testing to help identify and resolve any gaps that may be currently present in a project.

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Exploring Ruby's # frozen_string_literal

As of August 2024, Ruby 3.4 has not been released yet, although the Ruby Core team is working on it and continues to make progress on enhancements and refinements so our ruby apps can have the best performance. In this blog post we will talk about an interesting discussion happening about the # frozen_string_literal comment at the top of Ruby files.

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The Next Rails Gem

Did you know that we love using the Dual-Boot technique for our Rails upgrades? We rely on the next_rails gem to help us with dual-booting our Rails applications. This gem does more than just enable dual-booting; it also helps us identify outdated gems, check Rails compatibility, find the minimum compatible Ruby version for a target Rails version, and more.

Sounds interesting? Keep reading to learn more about the features of the next_rails gem.

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Unlocking Value with Bonsai: A Month in Technical Debt Remediation

Managing technical debt is a huge concern for businesses of all sizes. At, we understand the challenges of maintaining a healthy codebase while continuously delivering value to your users. That’s why we’ve introduced Bonsai, our fixed-cost, monthly maintenance service tailored to gradually alleviate technical debt. Join us as we take a deep dive into the value Bonsai brings to the table over the course of a month.

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An Introduction to Software Quality (Part 2): What Is Technical Debt?

Technical debt, a term coined by Ward Cunningham in the 1990s, refers to the trade-off between short-term gains and long-term consequences in the development process. In this article, we will explore what technical debt is, why it happens, why you should care about it, and discover some new tools to help you discover the technical debt in your Rails applications.

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