#76 SAVE THE DATE: New Security Webinar with Expedited Security on June 12th, 12pm EST.

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #76 of our newsletter, for news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects.

FastRuby + Expedited Security Webinar - Register now!

On June 12th, Ernesto Tagwerker and Mike Buckbee, Founder of Expedited Security, join forces to discuss how to identify vulnerable areas of code and dependencies to prevent potential attack vectors. You'll leave knowing how to build airtight security for your Rails application. Register now.

3. The RubyKaigi conference, which attracts Rubyists from all over the world, was in the enchanting city of Matsumoto, Japan this year. Read Nathan Wilson's blog on highlights from the conference. 💎

4. Learn how to manage time complexity in Ruby on Rails with a comprehensive guide, code examples, tests and all. ⏲️

🚀 We offer Monthly Maintenance Services for startups and SMBs interested in chipping away at technical debt. Starting at $1k.

5. Janko Marohnić didn't have a good experience with Selenium—so he upgraded to Cuprite and found that running individual tests were about 30-50% faster on his M1 MacBook air. Read his full blog.

6. The Rails has_one API has just one limitation...Steve Polito elaborates on thoughtbot.

Bookmark them, share them, or save them. We hope you found these links useful ;)


The FastRuby.io Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.