#101 💸 RailsConf News, Outdated Ruby Projects, and How to Manage Tech Debt Effectively...

Happy Thursday!

Here is issue #101 of our newsletter with news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1. 💸 Have you ever wondered what technical debt is and how to measure it in your Ruby/Rails application? Well, you’re in luck. ​Gelsey​ wrote a thorough article on the relationship between ​code quality, tech debt, and programmer happiness​. Take a few minutes to learn great ways to identify, measure, and manage it.

2. 🌎 RailsConf 2025 will be the LAST RailsConf! Fret not, Rails World is happening and it’s not going anywhere.

3. ⏳In a ​previous blog post​, we discussed the importance of assessing an application’s dependency freshness and demonstrated how you can use different tools for this purpose. One of these tools is ​libyears ​. In this post, How outdated are these popular Ruby projects?​ Francois​ shares libyears calculations for several popular Ruby projects.

📚 Tired of reading blog posts, FAQs, and ChatGPT answers that don’t answer your questions? Schedule a 45-minute call with our CTO 🚀

Whether you want to geek out, talk shop, technical debt, legacy code, or Ruby/Rails upgrades, Ernesto has some availability to answer these questions.

Schedule a call here! ☎️

4. 8️⃣ Rails 8 will make propshaft the default asset pipeline, so you might want to ditch sprockets in favor of propshaft before Rails 8 comes out (probably right before Rails World!)

5. 🧱 The next version of Rails will include the basic building blocks for an authentication system (using generators), check it out; Add basic authentication generator #50446

6. 💎 We have encountered varying version matchups in our thousands of hours of upgrading. Here are additional Compatibility Tables that make it easy to know where you are and where you need to be.

Bookmark them, share them, or save them. We hope you found these links helpful 😉

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The ​FastRuby.io​ Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.