#72 New Ruby Versions, Metaprogramming, Render and More... 🔐🧰📣​

Happy Thursday!

Here is issue #72 of our newsletter, where we collect news and tools that we find interesting for your current or future Rails projects:

📣 PSA: Ruby 2.7 reaches end-of-life tomorrow!

1. New Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.0.6 and 2.7.8 were just released today! They fixed 2 vulnerabilities. 🔐

2. Ethan Fertsch released his second article in a multi-part series about metaprogramming in Ruby. In this one, he covers the practical applications of metaprogramming.

Don't have time to upgrade your Rails app? We offer Roadmaps and full-service upgrades!

3. Not every Rails upgrade is the same. Check out Ernesto Tagwerker's breakdown on the different approaches FastRuby.io takes to upgrading small and large apps.

4. Wondering how to deploy a React-Rails app? Tim Tran wrote a post about it here using Render.

5. What's a Rails session? Why do you need them? Akshay Khot covers everything you need to know in his latest blog post.

We hope you find these links useful. Feel free to forward it to your friends! ;)


The FastRuby.io Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.