#32 Why Wasn't Ruby 3 Faster ?, Rails 7.0, and more.

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #032 of our newsletter, where we collect news and tools that we find interesting for your Rails project.

We hope you find these links useful. Feel free to forward it to your friends! ;)

1. Why Wasn't Ruby 3 Faster?: Check out this article on the performance of Ruby's latest version. 💎

2. Correct Delegation with Ruby 2.6, 2.7 and 3.0: An interesting article that can help with dual booting Ruby versions.

3. Ruby on Rails is going straight to version 7.0 : Rails will not release a 6.2 version, instead it will be a 7.0 version jump and require Ruby 2.7.

4. Update to the latest versions of Rails released this week : Rails has released several security patches including version 6.1.2.

5. The family of anonymous functions: Blocks, procs and lambdas explained.

Have a nice week!

The FastRuby.io team.

* Want to know what upgrading to 6.1 would require? Request an audit to find out what catching up will require.

* Already on 6.1? Check out our Stay Up To Date service so you can be ready for Rails 7.0.

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.