Articles on Rubyconf

RubyConf 2023 – A Ruby Renaissance

Late last year our team members headed to beautiful San Diego to join the incredible Ruby community at RubyConf 2023. Attending the conference is always a highlight, and we were excited to participate as a sponsor and engage with attendees, learn and share expertise, and have some fun.

The Ruby community is special. It has an incredibly inclusive and supportive culture that feels different than other languages. It was great to take some time to come together and enjoy the community’s hard work, network, and plan for the future.

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You should be a Scholar or Guide at RubyConf or RailsConf!

The Opportunity Scholars & Guides program is one of the least known and also one of the best aspects of RubyConf and RailsConf:

Opportunity Scholars (Scholars) are new to the Ruby community and looking to make professional connections. Scholars are typically students, new professionals, and/or members of underrepresented tech communities (women, BIPOC, etc.) interested in starting a career in the technology sector. Scholars are paired with a Guide (mentor) who can help them get the most out of the conference, and offer insight and advice on Ruby programming and working as a developer… Due to the generous donation from our conference sponsors and supporters, we are delighted to offer a limited amount of financial support for Scholars’ transportation and/or accommodation.

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